Tutorial 03: Bulk Analysis/Resubmission


This tutorial will teach:

  • Creating command-line cctk scripts.

  • Reading/writing data from output files.


cctk comes with several scripts which enable rapid analysis and resubmission of large numbers of Gaussian output files.

In this tutorial, we will dissect these scripts and explain how exactly they work.

Monitoring a Single Job

To monitor a single job, we want to be able to see the energy, forces, and SCF convergence for each iteration. We first read in the output file as a GaussianFile object and extract the relevant parameters:

filename = sys.argv[1]
print(f"reading file {filename}")
    output_file = GaussianFile.read_file(filename)

    energies = output_file.energies
    scf_iter = output_file.scf_iterations
    rms_displacements = output_file.rms_displacements
    rms_forces = output_file.rms_forces

If we are mid-optimization, we will usually have uneven numbers of energies, displacements, and forces. We can fix this problem by simply discarding the values from the partially completed iteration:

if len(energies) > len(rms_forces):
    #### sometimes you just catch the job in the middle
    if len(rms_forces) == 0:
        raise ValueError("not all necessary parameters calculated yet")

    energies = energies[:len(rms_forces)-1]
    scf_iter = scf_iter[:len(rms_forces)-1]
    rms_displacements = rms_displacements[:len(rms_forces)-1]

We can also print extra information for a successful job:

if output_file.succesful_terminations:
    print("Optimization converged!")
    print(f"{output_file.num_imaginaries()} imaginary frequencies")

We may also want to visualize how bond distances are changing. We don’t know a priori which bond distances will be interesting, but choosing the largest atom and its largest neighbor seems reasonable. Here, we use the get_geometric_parameters function to output the distances from each iteration:

mol = output_file.molecules[0]
biggest_atom = np.argmax(mol.atomic_numbers) + 1
nearby_atoms = mol.get_adjacent_atoms(biggest_atom)
biggest_nearby_atom = nearby_atoms[np.argmax([mol.atomic_numbers[x] for x in nearby_atoms])]


distances = output_file.molecules.get_geometric_parameters('distance',biggest_atom,biggest_nearby_atom)

All that remains is to print the output in an organized fashion:

print("{0:5} {1:20} {2:20} {3:15} {4:15} {5:20} {6:15}".format(
    "Energy (Hartree)",
    "Rel Energy (kcal)",
    "SCF Cycles",
    "RMS Force",
    "RMS Displacement",


min_energy = np.min(energies)
for i, energy in enumerate(energies):
    rel_energy = (energy - min_energy) * 627.509 #### convert to kcal
    print("{0:5d} {1:20.5f} {2:20.5f} {3:15d} {4:15.5f} {5:20.5f} {6:15.3f}".format(

except ValueError as e:
    print(f"job has not finished any iterations: {e}")

The full script (monitor.py) is shown below:

import sys
import numpy as np
from cctk import GaussianFile, Molecule

#### This is a script to monitor the output of Gaussian files.
#### In contrast to ``analyze.py``, this script analyzes only a *single* file in depth.
#### If the file has not successfully achieved SCF convergence at least once, this file will not display any information.
#### usage: ``python monitor.py path/to/output.out``

#### Corin Wagen and Eugene Kwan, 2019

filename = sys.argv[1]
print(f"reading file {filename}")
    output_file = GaussianFile.read_file(filename)

    energies = output_file.energies
    scf_iter = output_file.scf_iterations
    rms_displacements = output_file.rms_displacements
    rms_forces = output_file.rms_forces

    if len(energies) > len(rms_forces):
        #### sometimes you just catch the job in the middle
        if len(rms_forces) == 0:
            raise ValueError("not all necessary parameters calculated yet")

        energies = energies[:len(rms_forces)-1]
        scf_iter = scf_iter[:len(rms_forces)-1]
        rms_displacements = rms_displacements[:len(rms_forces)-1]

    if output_file.succesful_terminations:
        print("Optimization converged!")
        print(f"{output_file.num_imaginaries()} imaginary frequencies")

    #### often you care about the largest atom and its neighbors... so this will automatically print that bond distance
    mol = output_file.molecules[0]
    biggest_atom = np.argmax(mol.atomic_numbers) + 1
    nearby_atoms = mol.get_adjacent_atoms(biggest_atom)
    biggest_nearby_atom = nearby_atoms[np.argmax([mol.atomic_numbers[x] for x in nearby_atoms])]

    print("{0:5} {1:20} {2:20} {3:15} {4:15} {5:20} {6:15}".format(
        "Energy (Hartree)",
        "Rel Energy (kcal)",
        "SCF Cycles",
        "RMS Force",
        "RMS Displacement",

    distances = output_file.molecules.get_geometric_parameters('distance',biggest_atom,biggest_nearby_atom)

    min_energy = np.min(energies)
    for i, energy in enumerate(energies):
        rel_energy = (energy - min_energy) * 627.509 #### convert to kcal
        print("{0:5d} {1:20.5f} {2:20.5f} {3:15d} {4:15.5f} {5:20.5f} {6:15.3f}".format(

except ValueError as e:
    print(f"job has not finished any iterations: {e}")