Quick StartΒΆ

Here, we will extract the relative energies from some pentane conformer optimizations. You can find the code in test/test_pentane.py.

Import some libraries:

import numpy as np
import cctk
import glob as glob
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

Gather the relevant filenames with glob:

path = "test/static/pentane_conformation*.out"
filenames = sorted(glob.glob(path))

Now, we read these files. The molecules and their properties are stored in a ConformationalEnsemble:

conformational_ensemble = cctk.ConformationalEnsemble()
for filename in filenames:
    gaussian_file = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file(filename)
    ensemble = gaussian_file.ensemble
    molecule = ensemble.molecules[-1]
    property_dict = ensemble.get_properties_dict(molecule)

Because these are geometry optimization jobs, each GaussianFile contains an Ensemble containing the geometries at each step. Calling ensemble.molecules[-1] provides the last geometry.

Each Molecule is associated with a property dictionary:

property_dict = {
 'energy': -0.0552410743198,
 'scf_iterations': 2,
 'link1_idx': 0,
 'filename': 'test/static/pentane_conformation_1.out',
 'rms_force': 4.4e-05,
 'rms_displacement': 0.000319,
 'enthalpy': 0.106416,
 'gibbs_free_energy': 0.068028,
 'frequencies': [101.5041, 117.3291, 192.5335, 201.8222, 231.7895, 463.1763, 465.449, 717.7345, 778.6405, 876.373, 915.2653, 972.8192, 974.4666, 1071.7653, 1118.4824, 1118.5532, 1118.7997, 1121.9397, 1138.5283, 1145.0836, 1154.1222, 1224.0252, 1280.9892, 1286.3355, 1293.7174, 1304.3843, 1304.4249, 1307.1626, 1307.7894, 1333.8135, 1352.5493, 1402.936, 1463.1459, 2886.2576, 2897.014, 2897.5548, 2898.0773, 2904.9758, 2906.6594, 3022.3193, 3022.3517, 3029.3245, 3029.3492, 3037.506, 3037.5529],
 'mulliken_charges': OneIndexedArray([-0.271682, 0.090648, 0.090012, 0.090649, -0.18851, 0.095355, 0.09536, -0.200782, 0.098551, 0.098567, -0.18851, 0.095364, 0.095351, -0.271682, 0.090649, 0.090012,  0.090649])

Overall, we are taking the last geometry and molecular properties from each file and combining them into a ConformationalEnsemble.

To extract the filenames and energies:

property_names = ["filename", "energy"]
conformational_energies = conformational_ensemble[:,property_names]

We can then determine the lowest energy and display the results in a pandas dataframe:

df = DataFrame(conformational_energies, columns=property_names)
df["rel_energy"] = (df.energy - df.energy.min()) * 627.509469

The output is:

                                 filename    energy  rel_energy
0  test/static/pentane_conformation_1.out -0.055241    0.000000
1  test/static/pentane_conformation_2.out -0.054881    0.226124
2  test/static/pentane_conformation_3.out -0.054171    0.671446
3  test/static/pentane_conformation_4.out -0.053083    1.354009