
First Time

cctk is easy to install! It should work on any system where Python works.

With Python 3.7 or later, type:

pip install cctk

If you don’t have pip or virtual environments available on your system, then we recommend installing Anaconda first:

  1. Go to Download the Python 3 installer appropriate to your system and run it.

  2. Create a virtual environment to use with cctk:

    conda create --name cctk python=3.8
  3. Now activate the virtual environment:

    conda activate cctk

To use cctk, you will need to place this command at the beginning of your Python scripts:

import cctk

The documentation contains many examples of how to write cctk scripts.


cctk is undergoing active development. To upgrade to the latest stable release:

pip install --upgrade cctk

To install the development version, which may be unstable, run:

pip install --upgrade

Alternatively, clone the repository. Then, from within the repository folder, run:

pip install --upgrade .

Building Documentation

If you want to read the cctk documentation locally, you can build it by going to the docs folder and typing:

make html

This command will require the sphinx and sphinx-bootstrap-theme packages to be installed first. Once generated, the documentation will be available locally at: docs/_build/html/index.html.

If there is a problem building, trying running make clean first.

Unit Tests

These operations should be run from the main cctk repo directory. Test code is stored in the test folder. To run a single unit test:

python -m unittest test.test_molecule.TestMolecule.test_dihedral

To run all the tests:

python -m unittest discover