Extracting Molecular Properties (Energies, Frequencies, Charges, etc.)

Example: opt freq

  • import cctk is assumed.

  • This is a routine optimization using opt freq.

  • The route card job type are both parsed.

# read the file
filename = "test/static/gaussian_file.out"
gaussian_file = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file(filename)

# gaussian_file properties
gaussian_file.route_card == "#p opt freq=noraman m062x/6-31g(d) scrf=(smd,solvent=diethylether)"
gaussian_file.job_types == [cctk.JobType.OPT, cctk.JobType.FREQ, cctk.JobType.SP]
  • An Ensemble is a collection of Molecules.

  • Here, the Ensemble contains the initial, intermediate, and final geometries for the optimization process.

# ensemble properties
ensemble = gaussian_file.ensemble
assert isinstance(ensemble, cctk.ConformationalEnsemble)
len(ensemble) == 3

# getting a molecule
assert isinstance(ensemble.molecules[0], Molecule)

# slicing an Ensemble returns an Ensemble
assert isinstance(ensemble[0], cctk.ConformationalEnsemble)


  • Each Molecule is mapped to a dict called properties_dict, where energies and other data are stored.

  • Aside: this was a simple opt freq job that contained only one Link1. So read_file(filename) only produecs one GaussianFile and thus link1_idx is 0 for all geometries.

# contents of the ensemble
for molecule,properties_dict in ensemble.items():
    for property_name,value in properties_dict.items():
        print(property_name, ":", value)
  • The first geometry is the input geometry

energy : -1159.56782625
scf_iterations : 13
link1_idx : 0
filename : test/static/gaussian_file.out
rms_force : 9e-06
rms_displacement : 0.000547
  • The second geometry is an intermediate geometry during the optimization.

  • This optimization took only one intermediate step.

energy : -1159.56782622
scf_iterations : 7
link1_idx : 0
filename : test/static/gaussian_file.out
rms_force : 8e-06
rms_displacement : 0.000489
  • The third geometry is the final geometry.

  • It has many more properties

energy : -1159.56782622
scf_iterations : 1
link1_idx : 0
filename : test/static/gaussian_file.out
rms_force : 8e-06
rms_displacement : 0.000388
enthalpy : -1159.314817
gibbs_free_energy : -1159.388328
frequencies : [19.7009, 35.267, 44.7198, 49.9491, 57.0893, 64.8469, 73.0098, 81.9867, 89.8636, 98.1969, 118.548, 152.3357, 159.3717, 169.6716, 191.1281, 226.4406, 253.8972, 280.2593, 302.7976, 325.3145, 350.63, 366.305, 386.4397, 427.6294, 501.8031, 509.3823, 536.3219, 548.0141, 569.8335, 580.3367, 626.0123, 637.3627, 670.326, 687.8399, 715.4247, 812.8056, 859.8734, 916.9873, 980.1514, 1014.1109, 1023.7809, 1048.9533, 1067.319, 1076.0426, 1113.4787, 1144.4635, 1169.8286, 1181.8906, 1189.4969, 1192.3828, 1194.51, 1226.7551, 1228.0879, 1252.4422, 1274.3266, 1290.5456, 1319.7655, 1348.7007, 1353.473, 1375.5382, 1419.4037, 1428.4896, 1438.5693, 1451.7563, 1455.4477, 1486.3505, 1505.4247, 1511.1827, 1515.5803, 1518.8313, 1548.1324, 1588.3775, 1807.1221, 1834.9622, 1880.3968, 3101.1372, 3109.6277, 3116.2425, 3125.0222, 3155.476, 3177.7175, 3180.833, 3201.4795, 3209.3614, 3234.7301, 3611.0649, 3614.2603]
mulliken_charges : [-0.655761  0.390379 -0.168647  0.247314  0.490238  0.633198  0.182115
 -0.553943 -0.670923  0.406032 -0.146986  0.254725  0.473692  0.652675
  0.202    -0.494397 -0.474991 -0.266798  0.20917   0.203205  0.200146
 -0.296932 -0.306803 -0.307007 -0.292294  0.597754 -0.534396 -0.585561
  0.214057  0.190642  0.208099]
dipole_moment : 4.8038
  • Ensemble properties can be indexed and sliced as if they were 2D arrays.

  • None is used for missing data.

# extracting one property value
ensemble[0,"energy"] == -1159.56782625

# extracting all energies
ensemble[:,"energy"] == [-1159.56782625, -1159.56782622, -1159.56782622]

# enthalpy is only calculated for the final geometry of the optimization
ensemble[:,"enthalpy"] = [None, None, -1159.314817]

Correcting Free Energies

  • Low frequencies are generally unreliable. Since these frequencies contribute most to the entropy, they can be a significant source of error.

  • Cramer and Truhlar have proposed moving all the frequencies below a cutoff of 100 cm-1 up to 100 cm-1.

  • cctk.helper_functions.get_corrected_free_energy calculates this corrected “quasiharmonic” free energy.

  • The quasiharmonic free energy is automatically calculated with a cutoff of 100 cm-1 and the temperature that is set in the calculation.

  • You can also calculate the energy manually as shown below. The correction algorithm assumes the same temperature as in Gaussian, so custom temperatures require re-running the Gaussian job.

  • Acknowledgement: Colin Lam

# get data
file = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file("test/static/diiron_complex.out")
ensemble = file.ensemble
molecule = ensemble.molecules[-1]
properties_dict = ensemble.get_properties_dict(molecule)
free_energy = properties_dict["gibbs_free_energy"]
quasiharmonic_free_energy = properties_dict["quasiharmonic_gibbs_free_energy"]
frequencies = properties_dict["frequencies"]  # cm-1

# results
free_energy == -1975.998622                     # hartree
quasiharmonic_free_energy == -1975.9949313424   # hartree

# calculate corrected free energy with a different cutoff or temperature
corrected_free_energy = cctk.helper_functions.get_corrected_free_energy(free_energy, frequencies,
corrected_free_energy == -1975.997664  # hartree

Sorting Ensembles

  • Ensembles can be sorted by property values (e.g., energy).

  • The ordering in ensemble.molecules will be updated to reflect the new order.

  • Missing entries are not allowed.

  • Sorting incomparable types will result in an error.

  • The result is a new Ensemble. The underlying objects are not cloned.

sorted_ensemble = ensemble.sort_by("energy", ascending=False)

Lowest Energy Molecules

  • Use ensemble.lowest_molecules(property_name, num=1) to get num Molecules that have the lowest value of property_name.

  • If num is 1, the result is a Molecule. If num is more than 1, the result is a list.

  • Sorting by energy only makes sense for an ConformationalEnsemble, but is not forbidden for an Ensemble.

lowest_energy_molecules = ensemble.lowest_molecules("energy",2)
assert len(lowest_energy_molecules) == 2

lowest_energy_molecule = ensemble.lowest_molecules("energy")
assert isinstance(lowest_energy_molecule, cctk.Molecule)
  • For more complex operations, create a pandas DataFrame, determine the indices of interest, and index the Ensemble to create a sub-Ensemble.