Reading and Writing Gaussian Files

  • import cctk is assumed.

  • Statements like file.title == "title" or assert molecule.num_atoms() == 31 indicate what you would see if you printed the fields. They are not meant to be typed in directly.

Reading a Gaussian Input File

  • file.get_molecule() is equivalent to file.ensemble.molecules[-1].

# read the input file
path = "test/static/gaussian_file.gjf"
file = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file(path)

# what's in the file object
file.route_card == "#p opt freq=noraman m062x/6-31g(d) scrf=(smd,solvent=diethylether)"
file.job_types == [cctk.GaussianJob.GaussianJobType.OPT, cctk.GaussianJob.GaussianJobType.FREQ, cctk.GaussianJob.GaussianJobType.SP]
file.link0 == {"mem": "1GB", "chk": "test.chk"}
file.title == "title"
file.footer == None

# get the input geometry
molecule == file.get_molecule()   # returns the last (and only) molecule

# what's in the molecule object
assert isinstance(molecule, cctk.molecule.Molecule)
assert molecule.num_atoms() == 31
mol.charge == 0
mol.multiplicity == 1

Reading a Gaussian Output File

  • Important: only files specifying verbose output with #p in the route card will be parsed correctly.

# read the output file
path = "test/static/gaussian_file.out"
file = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file(path)

# what's in the file object
file.route_card == "#p opt freq=noraman m062x/6-31g(d) scrf=(smd,solvent=diethylether)"
file.link0 == {"mem": "32GB",  "nprocshared": "16"}
file.job_types == [cctk.JobType.OPT, cctk.JobType.FREQ, cctk.JobType.SP]
file.title == "title"
file.footer == None
assert isinstance(file.ensemble, cctk.ConformationalEnsemble)

# following is equivalent to file.get_molecule()
ensemble = file.ensemble
molecule = ensemble.molecules[-1]

# get the molecular properties dictionary
properties_dict = ensemble.get_properties_dict(molecule)
properties_dict["filename"] == path
properties_dict["energy"] == -1159.56782622

Writing One Molecule to a Gaussian Input File

  • Only route cards specifying verbose output (#p) are allowed to ensure compatibility with cctk.

# need an initial molecule object
assert isinstance(molecule, cctk.Molecule)

# define the options for the new file
new_path = "input_file.gjf"
link0 = {"chk": "checkpoint.chk", "mem": "32GB", "nprocshared": "16"}
route_card = "#p opt=(ts,calcfc,noeigentest) m062x/6-31g(d)"

# write the file
cctk.GaussianFile.write_molecule_to_file(new_path, molecule, route_card, link0)

Multiple Link1 Sections

  • Each link will be parsed into a separate GaussianFile.

  • The properties_dict key link1_idx1 identifies which Link1 the geometry came from.

# read a file with multiple link1 directives
path = "test/static/ethane.out"
files = cctk.GaussianFile.read_file(path)

# get back a list of file objects
len(files) == 3
for file in files:
    assert isinstance(file, cctk.GaussianFile)

# different links can correspond to different types of jobs
files[0].job_types == [cctk.JobType.OPT, cctk.JobType.FREQ, cctk.JobType.SP]
files[1].job_types == [cctk.JobType.NMR, cctk.JobType.SP]
files[2].job_types == [cctk.JobType.NMR, cctk.JobType.SP]

Writing Multiple Molecules to One Gaussian Input File

  • The geometries will be combined into a single job using Link1.

  • Here, a single route card is specified. However, list-like inputs can be specified for more complex jobs. See the API documentation for details.

  • The footer specifies what goes after each geometry. This can be useful for specifying special basis sets.

  • The print_symbol flag specifies whether elements should be specified by atomic number or symbol.

assert isinstance(ensemble, cctk.Ensemble)
cctk.GaussianFile.write_ensemble_to_file(filename, ensemble, route_card = "#p opt freq=noraman b3lyp/6-31g(d)",
                                         link0={"mem": "32GB", "nprocshared": 16}, footer=None,
                                         title="title", print_symbol=False)

Using Custom Basis Sets from the Basis Set Exchange

  • Bespoke basis sets can be downloaded automatically from the Basis Set Exchange <> _.

  • By default, the add_custom_basis_set method appends the basis set to the footer. However, passing the return_string option allows for increased control over formatting (e.g. for combination with opt=modredundant).

  • The gen keyword should be used in combination with these basis sets.

assert isinstance(file, cctk.GaussianFile)
file.route_card = "#p opt wB97XD/gen"

assert isinstance(file2, cctk.GaussianFile)
file2.route_card = "#p opt=modredundant wB97XD/gen"
basis = file2.add_custom_basis_set("pcseg-2", return_string=True)
file2.footer = f"B 1 10 F\n\n{basis}"

Creating Molecules By Name

  • If rdkit is installed, then molecules can be created from a name or SMILES string. Structures should be checked for sanity!

imatinib = cctk.Molecule.new_from_name("imatinib")

phcf3 = cctk.Molecule.new_from_smiles("C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(F)(F)F")