Source code for cctk.xyz_file

import re
import warnings
import numpy as np

import cctk
from cctk.helper_functions import get_symbol, get_number

[docs] class XYZFile(cctk.File): """ Class representing plain ``.xyz`` files. Attributes: titles (list of str): the title or titles from the file ensemble (Ensemble): `Ensemble` instance molecule (Molecule): `Molecule` instance representing the first molecule in the file. deprecated, but present for backwards compatibility. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ensemble, titles): assert isinstance(ensemble, cctk.Ensemble), "ensemble must be cctk.Ensemble" self.ensemble = ensemble # backwards compatibility self.molecule = ensemble.molecule_list()[0] assert isinstance(titles, list), "title must be list" self.titles = titles
def __getattribute__(self, name): if name == "molecule": warnings.warn("XYZFile attribute ``molecule`` will be removed in upcoming releases of cctk. Use ``ensemble`` attribute instead!", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return cctk.File.__getattribute__(self, name)
[docs] @classmethod def read_file(cls, filename, charge=0, multiplicity=1, conformational=False): """ Factory method to create new XYZFile instances. Arguments: filename (str): path to ``.xyz`` file charge (int): charge of resultant molecule multiplicity (int): multiplicity of resultant molecule conformational (bool): whether or not it's a conformational ensemble """ assert isinstance(charge, int), "charge must be integer" assert isinstance(multiplicity, int), "multiplicity must be integer" assert multiplicity > 0, "multiplicity must be a positive integer" ensemble = cctk.Ensemble() if conformational: ensemble = cctk.ConformationalEnsemble() titles = list() lines = super().read_file(filename) current_lines = list() for line in lines: if"^\s*\d+$", line) and len(current_lines) > 2: if len(current_lines) > 0: t, m = cls.mol_from_lines(current_lines, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) ensemble.add_molecule(m) titles.append(t) current_lines = list() current_lines.append(line) # catch the last molecule if len(current_lines) > 0: t, m = cls.mol_from_lines(current_lines, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) ensemble.add_molecule(m) titles.append(t) return XYZFile(ensemble, titles)
[docs] @classmethod def mol_from_lines(cls, lines, charge=0, multiplicity=1): num_atoms = 0 try: num_atoms = int(lines[0]) except Exception: raise ValueError("can't get the number of atoms from the first line!") title = lines[1] atomic_numbers = np.zeros(shape=num_atoms, dtype=np.int8) geometry = np.zeros(shape=(num_atoms, 3)) for index, line in enumerate(lines[2:]): # ignore blank lines if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue pieces = list(filter(None, line.split(" "))) try: if re.match("[0-9]", pieces[0]): atomic_numbers[index] = int(pieces[0]) elif re.match("([A-Za-z])+([0-9])+", pieces[0]): # mdtraj writes in this format, for some reason m = re.match("([A-Za-z])+([0-9])+", pieces[0]) atomic_numbers[index] = int(get_number( else: atomic_numbers[index] = int(get_number(pieces[0])) geometry[index][0] = float(pieces[1]) geometry[index][1] = float(pieces[2]) geometry[index][2] = float(pieces[3]) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"can't parse line {index+2}: {line}") assert num_atoms == len(atomic_numbers), "wrong number of atoms!" molecule = cctk.Molecule(atomic_numbers, geometry, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) return title, molecule
[docs] @classmethod def write_molecule_to_file(cls, filename, molecule, title="title", append=False): """ Write an ``.xyz`` file, using object attributes. Args: filename (str): path to the new file molecule (Molecule): molecule to write title (str): title of file append (Bool): whether or not to append to file """ assert isinstance(molecule, cctk.Molecule), "molecule is not a valid Molecule object!" text = f"{molecule.num_atoms()}\n" text += f"{title}\n" for index, Z in enumerate(molecule.atomic_numbers, start=1): line = molecule.get_vector(index) text += f"{get_symbol(Z):>2} {line[0]:>13.8f} {line[1]:>13.8f} {line[2]:>13.8f}\n" if append: super().append_to_file(filename, text) else: super().write_file(filename, text)
[docs] def write_file(self, filename, idx=-1): """ Write an ``.xyz`` file, using object attributes. Args: idx (int): the index of the molecule to write """ assert isinstance(idx, int), "idx must be int" self.write_molecule_to_file(filename, self.get_molecule(idx), title=self.titles[idx])
[docs] @classmethod def read_trajectory(cls, filename, **kwargs): """ Post refactoring, just an alias for ``XYZFile.read_file()``. """ return cls.read_file(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def read_ensemble(cls, filename, **kwargs): """ Post refactoring, just an alias for ``XYZFile.read_file()``. """ return cls.read_file(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def write_ensemble_to_file(cls, filename, ensemble, titles=None): """ Write a ``cctk.Ensemble`` to a single ``.xyz`` file. Can be viewed in MOLDEN. Arguments: filename (str): path to ``.xyz`` file ensemble (Ensemble): the collection of structures to write titles (None, str, or list of str): if None, the titles of the Molecules will be used; if one str, then the same name will be used for all molecules; if iterable, then the titles are assumed to parallel the indexing of the list """ assert isinstance(filename, str), f"got {type(filename)} for filename but expected str" assert isinstance(ensemble, cctk.Ensemble), f"ensemble {ensemble} is not a cctk.Ensemble" assert len(ensemble)>0, "can't write empty Ensemble to xyz file" if titles is None: pass elif isinstance(titles, str): assert len(titles) > 0, "zero length title not allowed" titles = [titles] * len(ensemble) elif isinstance(titles, (list,np.ndarray)): assert len(titles) == len(ensemble) for i, title in enumerate(titles): assert isinstance(title, str), f"got {type(filename)} at index {i} of titles, but expected str" else: raise ValueError(f"got {type(titles)} for title but expected None, str, or iterable") for idx,molecule in enumerate(ensemble._items): append = idx > 0 if titles is None: title = if not (isinstance(title, str) and len(title)>0): title = "title" else: title = titles[idx] cls.write_molecule_to_file(filename, molecule, title=title, append=append)
[docs] def get_molecule(self, num=None): """ Returns a given molecule. If ``num`` is specified, returns ``self.ensemble.molecule_list()[num]`` """ # some methods pass num=None, which overrides setting the default above if num is None: num = -1 assert isinstance(num, int), "num must be int" return self.ensemble.molecule_list()[num]