Source code for cctk.vibrational_mode

import math
import numpy as np

import cctk
from cctk.quasiclassical import get_hermite_polynomial

# constants
MAX_ZPE_RATIO = 0.999999

BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 0.001985875 # kcal/mol•K

[docs] class VibrationalMode: """ Most code adapted from ``jprogdyn``. Displacements will be very low accuracy unless ``freq=hpmodes`` is enabled. Values from Gaussian, for now: see Attributes: frequency (float): frequency, in cm-1 force_constant (float): force constant, in kcal/mol per Å reduced_mass (float): mass, in amus intensity (float): IR intensity displacements (cctk.OneIndexedArray): atom displacements velocities (cctk.OneIndexedArray): atom velocities """
[docs] def __init__(self, frequency, force_constant, reduced_mass, intensity, displacements): assert isinstance(frequency, float) self.frequency = frequency assert isinstance(force_constant, float) self.force_constant = force_constant assert isinstance(reduced_mass, float) self.reduced_mass = reduced_mass assert isinstance(intensity, float) self.intensity = intensity assert isinstance(displacements, cctk.OneIndexedArray) self.displacements = displacements
def __str__(self): return f"Vibrational mode ({self.frequency:.2f} cm-1, {self.reduced_mass:.2f} amus, {self.force_constant:.2f} kcal/mol Å**-2)" def __repr__(self): return f"Vibrational mode ({self.frequency:.2f} cm-1, {self.reduced_mass:.2f} amus, {self.force_constant:.2f} kcal/mol Å**-2)"
[docs] def choose_level(self, temperature=298): if temperature < MIN_TEMPERATURE: return 0 # zpe_ratio is probability of being in level i vs level i+1, by quantum harmonic oscillator zpe_ratio = math.exp( -2 * / (BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT * temperature)) if zpe_ratio > MAX_ZPE_RATIO: zpe_ratio = MAX_ZPE_RATIO # probability of being in state 0 is equal to 1 - zpe_ratio # 1 = P(0) + P(1) + P(2) + ... = P + P * zpe_ratio + P * zpe_ratio ** 2 + ... # 1 = P(0) / (1 - zpe_ratio) bc geometric series P = 1.0 - zpe_ratio random = np.random.uniform() level = 0 while level < MAX_QHO_LEVEL: if random < P: return level else: P += P * zpe_ratio level += 1 return level
[docs] def energy(self, level=0): """ Calculate energy as a function of level. By default returns zero-point energy (level = 0). Args: level (int): which vibrational level the mode is in Returns: energy (kcal/mol) """ assert isinstance(level, int) and level >= 0, "need positive integer for vibrational level" freq = self.frequency if freq < MIN_FREQUENCY: freq = MIN_FREQUENCY # 0.5 * h * c * frequency (c in cm/s bc wavenumbers) # 0.5 * (6.626 * 10**-34) * (3 * 10**10) * (6.026 * 10**23) / 4184) = 0.0014305 zpe = 0.0014305 * freq return zpe * (2 * level + 1)
[docs] def random_displacement(self, energy=None, level=0, method="quasiclassical", max_attempts=1e5): """ Args: energy (float): energy of mode (for classical case) method (str): "quasiclassical" or "classical" level (int): which vibrational level max_attempts (int): how many tries you get Returns: shift """ if method == "quasiclassical": min_val = 0 max_val = self.quantum_distribution_max(level) max_x = self.classical_turning_point() attempts = 0 while attempts < max_attempts: x = np.random.uniform(-1 * max_x, max_x) p = self.quantum_distribution_value(x, level) y = np.random.uniform(min_val, max_val) if y < p: return x else: attempts += 1 raise ValueError("max_attempts exceeded - can't get a proper initialization for this mode!") elif method == "classical": assert energy is not None, "need energy for classical displacement" min_val = self.classical_distribution_value(0) max_x = self.classical_turning_point(energy=energy) max_val = self.classical_distribution_value(max_x) attempts = 0 while attempts < max_attempts: x = np.random.uniform(-1*max_x, max_x) p = self.classical_distribution_value(max_x) y = np.random.uniform(min_val, max_val) if y < p: return x else: attempts += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"invalid method {method} - only ``quasiclassical`` and ``classical`` implemented currently!") raise ValueError("Max attempts exceeded!")
[docs] def quantum_distribution_value(self, x, level=0): """ Calculate psi**2 for quantum harmonic oscillator for a given shift in Å. Args: x (float): shift in Å level (int): vibrational level """ assert isinstance(level, int) and level >= 0, "need positive integer for vibrational level" freq = self.frequency if freq < MIN_FREQUENCY: freq = MIN_FREQUENCY n = level # brevity is the soul of wit H = get_hermite_polynomial(n) # following, line 109 # 4 * pi * 3 * 10**8 / (1000 * 10**20 * 6.022 * 10**23 * 6.626 * 10^-34) = 0.000094411, take it or leave it omega_term = 9.4411e-5 * self.reduced_mass * freq val = math.sqrt(omega_term) * math.exp(-1 * omega_term * math.pi * x ** 2 ) * (H(math.sqrt(omega_term * math.pi) * x) ** 2) / (2 ** n * math.factorial(n)) return val
[docs] def quantum_distribution_max(self, level=0, num_pts=1e4): """ Returns the maximum value of psi**2 for the quantum harmonic oscillator at a given level. """ assert isinstance(level, int) and level >= 0, "need positive integer for vibrational level" if level == 0: return self.quantum_distribution_value(0) max_x = self.classical_turning_point() # there is certainly a better way to do this max_p = 0 for x in np.linspace(0, max_x, int(num_pts)): p = self.quantum_distribution_value(x, level) if p > max_p: max_p = p return max_p
[docs] def classical_distribution_value(self, x): """ Returns the value of the classical distribution at the specified ``x`` value. """ max_x = self.classical_turning_point() assert (x <= max_x) and (x >= -1*max_x), "x must be in [-max_x, max_x]" return 1/(math.pi * math.sqrt(max_x**2 - x**2))
[docs] def classical_turning_point(self, energy=None): """ Returns the maximum allowed shift based on modelling the mode as a classical harmonic oscillator (e.g. the point where potential energy is maximum). Args: energy (float): energy of mode level (int): level to compute energy for quantum harmonic oscillator """ if energy is None: energy = else: assert energy > 0, "cannot request turning point for 0 energy!" return math.sqrt(2 * energy / self.force_constant)
[docs] def to_string(self): ...
[docs] def from_string(self): ...