
class cctk.GaussianFile(job_types=None, route_card=None, link0=None, footer=None, title='title', success=0, elapsed_time=0.0, molecule=None)[source]

Bases: File

Class representing Gaussian input/output files.


ConformationalEnsemble instance




list of job_type` instances




optional, route card of .gjf file




optional, dictionary of Link 0 commands (e.g. {“mem”: “32GB”, “nprocshared”: 16})




optional, footer of .gjf file




number of successful terminations (should be 1 for an opt, 2 for opt and then freq, 1 for a single point energy, etc)




total time for job in seconds




optional, title of .gjf file



__init__(job_types=None, route_card=None, link0=None, footer=None, title='title', success=0, elapsed_time=0.0, molecule=None)[source]

Create new GaussianFile object.

  • job_types (list) – list of job_type instances

  • route_card (str) – optional, route card of .gjf file

  • link0 (dict) – optional, Link 0 commands of .gjf file

  • footer (str) – optional, footer of .gjf file

  • title (str) – optional, title of .gjf file

  • success (int) – num successful terminations

  • elapsed_time (float) – total time for job in seconds

  • molecule (cctk.Molecule) – molecule to initiate, if desired


__init__([job_types, route_card, link0, ...])

Create new GaussianFile object.

add_custom_basis_set(name[, ...])

Appends custom basis sets (from Basis Set Exchange) to self.footer.

append_to_file(filename, text)

Appends output text to a file.


Checks that the file has all the appropriate properties for its job types, and raises ValueError if not.

get_molecule([num, properties])

Returns the last molecule (from an optimization job) or the only molecule (from other jobs).


Returns the imaginary frequencies, rounded to the nearest integer.


Returns the number of imaginary frequencies.

read_file(filename[, return_lines, ...])

Reads a Gaussian``.out`` or .gjf file and populates the attributes accordingly.

write_ensemble_to_file(filename, ensemble, ...)

Write each structure in the specified ensemble to a single Gaussian input file by using the Link1 specification.

write_file(filename[, molecule, route_card, ...])

Write a .gjf file, using object attributes.

write_molecule_to_file(filename, molecule, ...)

Write a .gjf file using the given molecule.

add_custom_basis_set(name, add_all_elements=False, return_string=False)[source]

Appends custom basis sets (from Basis Set Exchange) to self.footer. Should be used in combination with the gen keyword.

  • name (str) – name of basis set (look it up on Basis Set Exchange)

  • add_all_elements (bool) – whether the complete basis set should be added or just the elements of interest

  • return_string (bool) – if the basis set should be appended to the footer or returned as a string (no change to self)


nothing (if return_string is False) string of basis set definition (if return string is True)

static append_to_file(filename, text)

Appends output text to a file.

  • filename (str) – path to file, including name (e.g. path/to/input.gjf)

  • text (str) – desired contents of file


True if write succeeded, False otherwise


Checks that the file has all the appropriate properties for its job types, and raises ValueError if not.

This only checks the last molecule in self.ensemble, for now.

get_molecule(num=None, properties=False)[source]

Returns the last molecule (from an optimization job) or the only molecule (from other jobs).

If num is specified, returns self.ensemble.molecule_list()[num] If properties is True, returns (molecule, properties).


Returns the imaginary frequencies, rounded to the nearest integer.


Returns the number of imaginary frequencies.

classmethod read_file(filename, return_lines=False, extended_opt_info=False, fail_silently=True)[source]

Reads a Gaussian``.out`` or .gjf file and populates the attributes accordingly. Only footers from opt=modredundant can be read automatically – genecep custom basis sets, &c must be specified manually.


Will throw ValueError if there have been no successful iterations.

  • filename (str) – path to the out file

  • return_lines (Bool) – whether the lines of the file should be returned

  • extended_opt_info (Bool) – if full parameters about each opt step should be collected (by default, only rms_displacement and rms_force are collected)

  • fail_silently (Bool) – if true, files that fail validation will just be omitted and parsing will continue. useful for monitoring jobs which are in-progress and may not have all properties written.


GaussianFile object (or list of GaussianFile objects for Link1 files) (optional) the lines of the file (or list of lines of file for Link1 files) as Lines object

classmethod write_ensemble_to_file(filename, ensemble, route_card, link0={'mem': '32GB', 'nprocshared': 16}, footer=None, title='title', print_symbol=False)[source]

Write each structure in the specified ensemble to a single Gaussian input file by using the Link1 specification.

  • filename (str) – where to write the file

  • ensemble (Ensemble) – Ensemble object to write

  • route_card (str or list) – to use the same route card for every link, use a single string; otherwise, provide a list whose entries parallel the ensemble members

  • link0 (dict or list of dicts) – to use the same memory/processors for every link, use a single string; otherwise, provide a list

  • footer (None/str or list) – use None for no text after geometry, provide a str to specify a footer, or provide some combination of the above as a list

  • title (str or list) – use a single string to provide a generic title for every link or a list as above

  • print_symbol (bool or list) – whether to print atomic symbols or atomic numbers in the geometry specification; use a single bool or a list as above

write_file(filename, molecule=None, route_card=None, link0=None, footer=None, **kwargs)[source]

Write a .gjf file, using object attributes. If no header/footer is specified, the object’s header/footer will be used.

  • filename (str) – path to the new file

  • molecule (int) – which molecule to use – passed to self.get_molecule(). Default is -1 (e.g. the last molecule), but positive integers will select from self.ensemble(1-indexed). A Molecule object can also be passed, in which case that molecule will be written to the file.

  • route_card (str) – route card for new file

  • link0 (dict) – dictionary of Link 0 commands (e.g. {“mem”: “32GB”, “nprocshared”: 16}

  • footer (str) – footer for new file

classmethod write_molecule_to_file(filename, molecule, route_card, link0={'mem': '32GB', 'nprocshared': 16}, footer=None, title='title', append=False, print_symbol=False, point_charges=None)[source]

Write a .gjf file using the given molecule.

  • filename (str) – path to the new file

  • molecule (Molecule) – which molecule to use – a Molecule object.

  • route_card (str) – route card for new file

  • link0 (dict) – dictionary of Link 0 commands

  • footer (str) – footer for new file

  • title (str) – title of the file, defaults to “title”

  • append (Bool) – whether or not to append to file using Link1 specifications

  • print_symbol (Bool) – whether to print atomic symbols (instead of atomic numbers)